Flea Exterminator and Pest Control Services

Expert service with guaranteed results

In this video, Ryan DeBrosse explains our pest control service approach and the methods we use across the Miami Valley area

What Are Fleas?

Fleas are tiny insects that don’t fly. These pests have flattened bodies with a reddish-brown color. Their long legs allow them to jump high, making it easy for them to move from the ground to a host quickly. And fleas certainly do love their hosts.

Fleas need a host to eat. The host can be either a human or an animal, and household pets are usually their favorite pick. Cats and dogs have plenty of fur for fleas to hide in and make their homes. Fleas feed on blood, excrete some of the blood, and then use that excrement to feed their larvae. 

Once fleas find a suitable host, they’ll stick around as long as possible – usually, until you treat your home and pets. They can be frustrating for both you and your pets to have around, as their bites can cause itchiness, infections from scratching, and even health problems in severe cases.

What Are the Different Types of Fleas?

There are thousands of flea species in existence, but telling them apart would be almost impossible at a glance. Most species look very similar and have similar behaviors and traits, like the ability to jump several inches and not being too particular about the host they choose.


Are Fleas Dangerous?

Tiny fleas don’t seem like they’d be an issue other than causing irritating itchy spots on the skin. But, they can actually affect humans and pets’ health, especially if you have a severe infestation in your home.

Both people and animals can be allergic to fleas and have allergic reactions, like dermatitis, causing extremely itchy, inflamed, red, and painful skin. Pets are especially prone to other conditions that stem from itching and scratching at their skin, like skin infections and sores.

Pets can also become anemic, meaning that they don’t have enough red blood cells due to being a flea host. This condition is especially common in smaller pets. Tapeworm infections are also possible in cats and dogs if they happen to swallow an infected flea while grooming. 

Fleas can be even more dangerous to people. Tapeworm infections from fleas are uncommon for people, but they can happen. Fleas can also infect humans with typhus, a bacterial disease that can cause severe nausea, vomiting, fever, and plague, another bacterial infection that can affect various parts of the body and be fatal.


Signs of a Flea Infestation

A flea infestation isn’t tough to spot, especially if you have pets. You’ll probably first notice your dog or cat scratching continuously before you spot the pests themselves. Soon, you might see fleas on your furniture or making a home in your carpeting. 

If you don’t see fleas, but you’re finding bites on yourself or your pet is scratching excessively, you might need to do a little digging. Look on drapery, pet bedding, chair cushions, and other hiding spots. 

You can also use a pet comb to search through your pet’s fur. You might notice dark spots known as flea dirt. These spots are the blood-mixed excrement fleas leave behind, and they’re a tell-tale sign that fleas are nearby. 


How Did I Get Fleas?

Fleas are most commonly brought into the home by pets after they’ve gone outside. Fleas can jump from the ground onto your dog or cat, using them as their host and an accessible mode of transportation. These insects can also hitch a ride on people, jumping and attaching themselves to leg hairs or clothing.

You might bring fleas into your home if you move infested furniture in. Before taking in any used furniture and clothing, be sure to clean them thoroughly first. You can also vacuum furniture before bringing it in.


Can I Treat Fleas Myself?

Finding just a few fleas in your home can give you a false sense of security. These pests multiply quickly, making it almost impossible to clear the problem on your own. When it comes to fleas, treating the cause for fleas is more important than getting rid of the fleas themselves, which is just a temporary fix. If you have fleas outside your home and a dog or cat that keeps carrying them in, you’ll have an ongoing flea problem.

Some products are intended for homeowners to kill fleas themselves, but we don’t recommend them. These products are usually foggers that can be harmful to you, your family, and your pets. Foggers release pesticides that stay on surfaces in your home until you clean them, which means bedding, kitchen surfaces, and toys are all exposed to their harmful chemicals.

Flea foggers usually don’t work, either. They fail to penetrate the fibers of furniture and carpeting, where fleas like to hang out and lay eggs. And, if you use a fogger and fail to keep fleas off your indoor/outdoor pet, you’ll find yourself in a cycle of temporarily bandaging the problem rather than treating it. 


Preparation for Flea Treatment

We encourage you to contact a professional extermination company to help you rid your home of fleas and prevent them from returning. An exterminator will visit your home, explain its process for treating fleas, and advise you of the best steps to take to prepare for flea treatment.

At Midwest Pest and Wildlife Control, we suggest setting up your appointment for treatment when all household members and pets can be out of the home for a few hours. Our treatment requires you to wait three hours after completion before you can return.

On the day of your appointment and before we arrive, please launder all pet bedding and vacuum the floors thoroughly in your home. It’s also a good idea to have your pets on an effective flea treatment before we provide services to prevent fleas from choosing them as their hosts again.


How to Get Rid of Fleas Effectively

You might be able to control fleas in your home by giving your pets regular flea treatments and cleaning and vacuuming your house regularly. But if you have a severe infestation in your home, your best line of defense is an extermination company like Midwest Pest and Wildlife Control. We offer professional flea treatments throughout the state of Ohio to get rid of fleas inside and outside of your home.

We have affordable flat-rate pricing without additional hidden fees or guesstimates. You can request a quote from us online, and we’ll set up a time to come to your home and explain your options. Our 30-day guarantee ensures that your pesky fleas will stay away. We’ll come back for further treatment at no extra cost if they do.

You can choose to treat just the inside of your home. We use an aerosol product that is safe for you and your family to be around three hours after we spray. We can also take care of treating your yard, which is the best option for owners of pets who keep bringing fleas in.

(937) 570-7216