Spider Pest Control

Customer-focused with guaranteed results

Spider Control

by Midwest Pest & Wildlife Control

What are spiders?

Spiders are invertebrates with eight legs. There are more than 45,000 named species of spiders all over the world. Many of them are harmless, aside from their looks, but others are venomous, aggressive, or menacing to your home.

In fact, many female spiders you normally find in your home, also called “house spiders,” can have up to 200 eggs in their egg sacs, each of which can be fertilized, leaving the potential for a thousand or more spiders to invade your home quickly. Even if the spiders aren’t dangerous to humans, it’s likely that you won’t want them taking over your living spaces.

What are the signs of a spider infestation?

It’s common to find a spider or two in your home at any given time, especially in damp, dark places like the basement. However, you might have an infestation if you begin to see baby spiders or several spiders crawling around, especially in the same room or area of your home. You might even notice spider egg sacs on floors, window sills, or attached to walls or webs.

Another tell-tale sign of a spider infestation is finding spider webs in your home. Again, a random web here and there doesn’t necessarily signal an infestation, but if you increasingly notice more webs in your home, it’s a sign that your spider inhabitants are also growing in number.

If you’ve noticed more spiders, webs, or egg sacs in your home, you should check out the places in which spiders usually hide. Look in window sills, room corners, the basement, bathrooms, behind the washing machine, and anywhere else that’s usually damp or dark. These places could be the perfect breeding ground for your home invaders.

How did I get spiders in my house?

The spiders that commonly invade homes aren’t very big, so it’s possible for them to come through small cracks in your foundation, openings near windows, and even under your front door if there’s any room to spare. They can even crawl through air vents or your dryer vent if they want to get in badly enough (which, during the cold season, is even more probable!).

If you’re noticing spiders in one area of your home more than others, it’s likely that they’re finding their way in through some kind of opening nearby. Check your walls, baseboards, doors, and windows for any potential entry routes.

Why you should treat your spider problem immediately

inding a few spiders here and there doesn’t automatically mean you have an infestation. But if you start noticing an unusual amount of them, it’s a good idea to get the problem sorted out as soon as possible. Even if you’re not scared of spiders, you shouldn’t want them co-inhabiting your space.

Why? Spiders are excellent helpers for the environment, but only when they’re outside where they belong. There, they eat mosquitoes and other pests that can be harmful or bothersome to people. More importantly, some spiders have dangerous bites. Although rare, a bite from a brown recluse or black widow can pose a severe health risk to your family, so spotting these critters warrants an immediate call for pest control.


What to avoid

If you think a spider might be dangerous – especially if it could be a black widow or brown recluse – don’t try to move it or kill it yourself. Move yourself and your family away from the area and call us right away.

For other possible spider infestations, you should be careful about using pesticides in your home to control the problem yourself. Many pesticides can be harmful to people, especially children and those with weakened immune systems, and pets. Pest control experts know how to use products properly to make sure your home is pest-free and your family is safe.

Removing spiders effectively

Although there are several natural remedies you might want to stop your spider problem, they aren’t guaranteed to work. You could end up with a larger problem if you don’t take care of your infestation right away. If you suspect that your spider issue is getting worse, it’s best to enlist the help of professional pest control experts who are trained to deal with whatever pests come your way.

We offer interior and exterior treatment and protection against spiders to not only rid them from your home, but also keep them away from its perimeter. We’ll work with you to come up with a treatment schedule that fits your needs, from monthly to seasonal visits.